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Handwelted Shoe Review: Petru and Claymoor bespoke split toe
Unboxing: Petru and Claymoor bespoke bison split toes
Best Bespoke Handmade Shoes | Petru & Claymoor Split Toe Derby In Black Hatchgrain by Misiu Academy
2nd Look Bespoke: Petru and Claymoor Bespoke Adelaide: Part 2
Unboxing: Petru and Claymoor bespoke adelaides elephant and calf: Part 1
Trial Shoes: Petru & Claymoor
Split Toe Shoe Battle: Handwelted from China (Meermin) vs Italy (Enzo Bonafe)
Handwelted Shoe Review: RayMar split toe derby
2nd Look Bespoke: Yohei Fukuda split toes.
Update: the Adelaide collection
Handwelted Shoe Review: Saint Crispins m633 and Acme William X
Unboxing New Bespoke Shoes From Canons! Take a look at these beauties! 😍 😍